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Text File | 1992-04-20 | 7.6 KB | 333 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- unit MyFileSystem;
- { This program was written by Peter N Lewis, Mar 1992 in THINK Pascal 4.0.1 }
- interface
- const
- PAvailable = fsCurPerm;
- PIn = fsRdPerm;
- POut = fsWrPerm;
- PInOut = fsRdWrPerm;
- PShared = fsRdWrShPerm;
- buf_size = 2048;
- eof_byte = $1A;
- type
- bufferArray = packed array[0..buf_size] of byte;
- bufferPtr = ^bufferArray;
- bufferHandle = ^bufferPtr;
- MFSfile = record
- reading: boolean;
- rn: integer;
- buf_len, buf_pos: longInt;
- eof: boolean;
- length: longInt;
- buf: bufferHandle;
- end;
- function MFSExists (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255): boolean;
- function MFSDirExists (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255): boolean;
- procedure MFSUniqueName (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; var name: str63);
- function MFSOpenIn (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255; var thefile: MFSfile): OSErr;
- function MFSCreate (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255; c, t: OSType): OSErr;
- { function MFSDelete (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255): OSErr;}
- { use HDelete instead}
- function MFSOpenOutDF (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255; c, t: OSType; var thefile: MFSfile): OSErr;
- function MFSOpenOutRF (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255; c, t: OSType; var thefile: MFSfile): OSErr;
- function MFSEof (var thefile: MFSfile): boolean;
- function MFSLength (var thefile: MFSfile): longInt;
- function MFSReadByte (var thefile: MFSfile; var b: byte): OSErr;
- function MFSWriteByte (var thefile: MFSfile; b: byte): OSErr;
- function MFSClose (var thefile: MFSfile): OSErr;
- function MFSOpenDF (var rn: integer; wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str63; perm: integer): OSErr;
- function MFSOpenRF (var rn: integer; wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str63; perm: integer): OSErr;
- { perm = fsCurPerm, fsRdPerm, fsWrPerm, fsRdWrPerm, fsRdWrShPerm }
- procedure SegmentMFSByte;
- procedure SegmentMFS;
- implementation
- uses
- MyTypes;
- {$S MFSByte}
- procedure SegmentMFSByte;
- begin
- end;
- {$S MFS}
- procedure SegmentMFS;
- begin
- end;
- {$S MFSByte}
- procedure InitTheFile (var thefile: MFSfile);
- begin
- thefile.buf := bufferHandle(NewHandle(buf_size));
- end;
- {$S MFS}
- function MFSExists (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255): boolean;
- var
- pb: HParamBlockRec;
- begin
- with pb do begin
- ioNamePtr := @name;
- ioVRefNum := wdrn;
- ioDirID := dirID;
- ioFDirIndex := 0;
- end;
- MFSExists := PBHGetFInfo(@pb, false) = noErr;
- end;
- {$S MFS}
- function MFSDirExists (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255): boolean;
- var
- pb: HParamBlockRec;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- with pb do begin
- ioNamePtr := @name;
- ioVRefNum := wdrn;
- ioDirID := dirID;
- if name = '' then
- ioFDirIndex := -1
- else
- ioFDirIndex := 0;
- end;
- oe := PBGetCatInfo(@pb, false);
- MFSDirExists := (oe = noErr) and (BAND(pb.ioFlAttrib, $0010) <> 0);
- end;
- {$S MFS}
- procedure MFSUniqueName (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; var name: str63);
- var
- base: str31;
- n: integer;
- begin
- if MFSExists(wdrn, dirID, name) then begin
- base := Concat(Copy(name, 1, 27), '#');
- n := 1;
- repeat
- name := Concat(base, chr(n div 100 + 48), chr(n div 10 mod 10 + 48), chr(n mod 10 + 48));
- n := n + 1;
- until not MFSExists(wdrn, dirID, name);
- end;
- end;
- {$S MFSByte}
- function MFSOpenIn (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255; var thefile: MFSfile): OSErr;
- begin
- InitTheFile(thefile);
- with thefile do begin
- reading := true;
- buf_pos := 0;
- buf_len := 0;
- MFSOpenIn := MFSOpenDF(rn, wdrn, dirID, name, PIn);
- if GetEOF(rn, length) <> noErr then
- length := 0;
- eof := length = 0;
- end;
- end;
- {$S MFS}
- function MFSCreate (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255; c, t: OSType): OSErr;
- var
- ooe, oe: integer;
- fi: Finfo;
- begin
- oe := HCreate(wdrn, dirID, name, c, t);
- if oe = dupFNErr then begin
- ooe := HGetFInfo(wdrn, dirID, name, fi);
- oe := HDelete(wdrn, dirID, name);
- oe := HCreate(wdrn, dirID, name, c, t);
- if (oe = noErr) and (ooe = noErr) then begin
- fi.fdType := t;
- fi.fdCreator := c;
- ooe := HSetFInfo(wdrn, dirID, name, fi);
- end;
- end;
- MFSCreate := oe;
- end;
- {$S MFSByte}
- function MFSOpenOutDF (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255; c, t: OSType; var thefile: MFSfile): OSErr;
- var
- oe: integer;
- fi: fInfo;
- begin
- InitTheFile(thefile);
- with thefile do begin
- reading := false;
- oe := MFSCreate(wdrn, dirID, name, c, t);
- if oe = noErr then
- oe := MFSOpenDF(rn, wdrn, dirID, name, POut);
- buf_pos := 0;
- buf_len := 0;
- length := 0;
- eof := false;
- MFSOpenOutDF := oe;
- end;
- end;
- {$S MFSByte}
- function MFSOpenOutRF (wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str255; c, t: OSType; var thefile: MFSfile): OSErr;
- var
- oe: integer;
- begin
- InitTheFile(thefile);
- with thefile do begin
- reading := false;
- oe := MFSCreate(wdrn, dirID, name, c, t);
- if oe = dupFNErr then
- oe := noErr;
- if oe = noErr then
- oe := MFSOpenRF(rn, wdrn, dirID, name, POut);
- buf_pos := 0;
- buf_len := 0;
- length := 0;
- eof := false;
- MFSOpenOutRF := oe;
- end;
- end;
- {$S MFSByte}
- function MFSLength (var thefile: MFSfile): longInt;
- var
- l: longInt;
- begin
- MFSLength := thefile.length;
- end;
- {$S MFSByte}
- function MFSEof (var thefile: MFSfile): boolean;
- begin
- MFSEof := thefile.eof;
- end;
- {$S MFSByte}
- function MFSReadByte (var thefile: MFSfile; var b: byte): OSErr;
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- procedure Read;
- begin
- with thefile do begin
- buf_pos := 0;
- buf_len := buf_size;
- oe := FSRead(rn, buf_len, POINTER(buf^));
- if oe = eofErr then
- oe := noErr;
- if buf_len = 0 then
- oe := eofErr;
- if oe <> noErr then begin
- buf_len := 0;
- eof := true;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- with thefile do
- if reading then begin
- if eof then begin
- b := eof_byte;
- MFSReadByte := eofErr;
- end
- else begin
- oe := noErr;
- if buf_pos = buf_len then
- Read;
- MFSReadByte := oe;
- if oe = noErr then begin
- b := buf^^[buf_pos];
- buf_pos := buf_pos + 1;
- if buf_pos = buf_len then
- Read;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- MFSReadByte := paramErr;
- end;
- {$S MFSByte}
- function Flush (var thefile: MFSfile): OSErr;
- var
- count: longInt;
- oe: integer;
- begin
- with thefile do begin
- count := buf_pos;
- if count = 0 then
- oe := noErr
- else
- oe := FSWrite(rn, count, POINTER(buf^));
- if count <> buf_pos then
- oe := ioErr;
- buf_len := 0;
- buf_pos := 0;
- end;
- Flush := oe;
- end;
- {$S MFSByte}
- function MFSWriteByte (var thefile: MFSfile; b: byte): OSErr;
- begin
- with thefile do
- if not reading then begin
- buf^^[buf_pos] := b;
- buf_pos := buf_pos + 1;
- if buf_pos = buf_size then
- MFSWriteByte := Flush(thefile)
- else
- MFSWriteByte := noErr;
- end
- else
- MFSWriteByte := paramErr;
- end;
- {$S MFSByte}
- function MFSClose (var thefile: MFSfile): OSErr;
- var
- oe: integer;
- begin
- if not thefile.reading then
- oe := Flush(thefile);
- MFSClose := FSClose(thefile.rn);
- thefile.rn := 0; { Never close a file twice }
- DisposHandle(handle(thefile.buf));
- end;
- {$S MFS}
- function MFSOpenDF (var rn: integer; wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str63; perm: integer): OSErr;
- var
- pb: HParamBlockRec;
- begin
- with pb do begin
- ioNamePtr := @name;
- ioVRefNum := wdrn;
- ioPermssn := perm;
- ioMisc := nil;
- ioDirID := dirID;
- MFSOpenDF := PBHOpen(@pb, false);
- rn := ioRefNum;
- end;
- end;
- {$S MFS}
- function MFSOpenRF (var rn: integer; wdrn: integer; dirID: longInt; name: str63; perm: integer): OSErr;
- var
- pb: HParamBlockRec;
- begin
- with pb do begin
- ioNamePtr := @name;
- ioVRefNum := wdrn;
- ioPermssn := perm;
- ioMisc := nil;
- ioDirID := dirID;
- MFSOpenRF := PBHOpenRF(@pb, false);
- rn := ioRefNum;
- end;
- end;
- end.